Game of thrones-S4E4

game of thrones little finger petyr baelish HBO

"First of his name"

All hail King Tommen Baratheon first of his name, long may he reign. Ding dong Jeoffrey is dead and we couldn't be more happy about that fact. 

The seven kingdoms are going through quite an emotional ride. Celebrating Jeoffrey's wedding, mourning Jeoffrey, secretly celebrating his death (you know the common man must have raised a class), celebrating Tommens accent to the Iron Throne. And during it all the nobles play their eternal game of thrones. 

All seven kingdoms have had quite a busy month. 

"The mother of dragons looks inward"
However, while the kingdoms attempt to settle their internal power struggles Dany Stormborn considers taking Kings Landing.  She has the army, in her last conquest she acquired a navy, all she needs is the sail for Westeros and take the throne. 

However, her advisors caution that while she could take Kings Landing she most likely couldn't conquer the seven kings with the force she could transport.  The real thrust comes when Dany learns that the city-states that she has freed have backslid into tyranny and oppression without an army there to impose her rule.

Instead of sailing for Westeros she turns her eyes back towards the path she had taken and decides that she will govern instead of just conquer. We can only assume that things are coming to get crazy based on the examples she has made of her enemies in the past. 

"Littlefinger hitches a cuckoo's nest"

Perry Delivers Sansa to the Eyrie and is created by his betrothed Lyssa Arryn, Sansa's aunt.  During the exchange Lyssa goes through the expected precautions of having Sansa assume an alias and so on and so forth.  The juicy bit of the scene comes after Sansa is whisked off to her chambers.  

In a moment of passion, Lyssa reminisces with Petyr about that one time that they killed her husband Jon Arryn which kickstarted all this trouble in the first place.  

Lyssa then demands that she and Petry be married that night and proceed to have the loudest more awkward-sounding sex of all time.  Think if you screwed a car horn that was also a goose that is close to the sound of Lyssa Arryn getting it on.  

Admittedly Peytr tries to delay the wedding but that doesn't happen.  We're assuming that Peytr is playing an incredibly long game with him ending up with Sansa as a substitute for Sansa's mother his unrequited love Catelyn. 

I have my money on Peytr getting got in one of his own schemes before that happens though.  In my opinion, this is the arc to keep an eye on up they are all good pretty much.

"Jon gives'em what they deserve"

Jon rides with his brothers to kill the mutineers at Crasters Keep.  

Little does Jon know that one of his brothers is really one of Bolton's men trying to hunt down Bran and the gang to kill him.  In a really really sad moment, Bran uses his warg powers to control poor Hodor and kill the Bolton man since he's carrying off Bran.  

Hodors face as he glared down at his blood-covered hands was heartbreaking.  

Bran decides to continue his quest to find the three-eyed crow.  We see some really strong foreshadowing as the seer that travels with Bran has a vision of Bran arriving at the weretree that will explain all of this.  

His sister asks him how they will know the end of the journey our seer looks at his hand and says that they will know it when they see it.  Only he and we as the audience see that his hand is engulfed in flame.  

I have a feeling that this season won't end on a good note for our prophetic friend.  Jon kills all the rapists.  Just slaughters them like pigs and good riddance.  I have to give it to those actors they really did a great job of making me despise these men.  My hats off to you guys, I'm happy you're dead though.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the series as this was definitely a set-up episode to facilitate the rest of the season.  On the plus side sounds like we're bookending this season with weddings so cheers to that.
