Mekaku City Actors Summary- Watch

Review of Mekaku City Actors anime

What is the series about?

Mekaku Actors follows a motley group of young urban dwellers who have somehow acquired powers as they struggle to figure out the best way to use their abilities.  These powers seem to be based somehow on their personality or more likely their personality builds itself around their powers.  

For example the main focus of two of the episodes so far has been Momo, a teenage Japanese idol, who can draw peoples focus where she wants it to be causing them to fixate on her.

Her power has helped her rise to fame as one of Japan’s most in-demand idols however she can’t control her power completely which leads to her being mobbed by a crowd of fans that are clamoring for her attention.  

The other end of the spectrum is Kido a girl who can make herself unremarkable to the point of being completely unnoticed and effectively invisible.  Most of the powers seem to have a not quite standard format or condition to them which makes them interesting in a way.  The other powers run the gambit from mind reading to paralyzing stares.  

So far they have used their powers to foil a mall robbery that was attempted by a group of heavily armed men.
Review of "Mekaku City Actors" anime
Coolest Super Hero team since Hamatora?

As of right now it’s still kinda early to say how the two are going to compare to each other but it could be close.  

Right now definitely not but there is potential there I think.  

The earlier episodes of winters Hamatora weren't as heavy as where the season ended so Actors could eventually get there.  I can’t help but feel like there is just this vicious beast waiting for us at the heart of Mekaku Actors story.  

Like these first few episodes are the the growl coming from the cave that a waiting beast is crouched in readying his claws to pounce.  It could be the art style that makes me feel that way it’s definitely a distinctive and bold style.  

It loves to use hard lines and deep contrasts to show divides and disorient the view while powers are in effect sometimes but it totally works.  It draws you in and then takes you for a wild ride reminiscent of The World Ends with You with it’s use of urban fashion statements and harsh contrast between colors.  Keep your eye on this one people

Should I watch it?

Yes, you should watch it.  

As I said above we are still in the early part of the season so things can always change but this one is giving some really good signs.  

Ok fair enough but isnt’ that true of all of the shows at this point?  Why is this one special?  The beast my friends, that artful growling beast looming in our cave.  I feel like writing this series off before giving it the chance to bear it’s teeth would be a mistake so keep watching.  

I am going to keep watching and give the series the chance that I think it deserves and I would definitely recommend you do the same as well.
