Bladedance of Elementalers

anime, girls school, uniform ,bishoujo, ecchi ,harem anime

Bladedance of the Elementalers Synopsis

Bladedance of the Elementalers is a fantasy anime where chaste girls use spirits and weapons to battle, however, there is one man who can also use spirits and he's the only man who can.

This is pretty much explained in the first minute and a half of the show and then it's 12 episodes of panty shots, cleavage, and misunderstandings.

For another ecchi harem show check out Date Alive it's a better version of this show anyway.

It's a standard Harem Ecchi anime

anime girls, bikini ,bathing suit, bishoujo, ecchi harem anime
BoE is a harem ecchi anime that just leaves you feeling underwhelmed and feeling awful. BoE is just not a good show.

I found myself multiple times during the show's run saying "Why am I still watching this? What is keeping me here when I know there are better shows?" Even now I can't tell you why I kept watching.

Bladedance of the Elementalers problem is that there wasn't any area where the anime stood out and everything that the show did had already been done and was done better by others.

BoE follows the ecchi formula tightly

This anime conforms to the harem ecchi formula.

Male protagonists in an all-female environment must navigate adventures while multiple girls of various types fawn over him with devotion and compete for his affection.

It's like someone handed the producers a checklist of elements to include in the show and they performed to those standards, nothing more nothing less. Looking back on this show if I had to create an image that represented it that image would look like a paper doll but the doll was made out of cutouts of other shows all ransom note style.

Flat and holding me hostage yeah that pretty much sums up the show. You know when you eat not cause you are hungry but just from boredom? BoE is that for anime viewers. 

Should you watch Bladedance of the Elementalers

Cookie-cutter scenarios, mediocre combat scenes, and a mediocre plot keep this show down and out. Your time would better be spent watching nearly any other show this season.

For these reasons, you should skip Bladedance of the Elementalers.
