No Game, No Life- Episode 5



Steph stops being a Steph, Blank uses the power of knowledge, and another race is revealed on No Game, No Life here at Cybric’s Corner. Well Blank, aka our heroes Shiro and Sora, have won the crown now what? Well for starters they start playing Civilizations the game but with real people's lives. 

By that, I mean that they start implementing sweeping reforms to the human kingdom rapidly upsetting the balance of power and order of everyone’s lives. 

They implement everything from crop rotations to finance reform and they do it all because they did it in a game once. Sora even blatantly states that he usually likes to research a bunch of technologies simultaneously and “wait a couple of turns” to see what happens. 

Through Blanks's reforms, the human kingdom is entering a resurgent period of growth and are sure to regain much of the property that it had lost previously. So Blank makes all these changes and then tells Steph to deal with the fallout, moves out of the palace, and then apparently resumes their lives as NEETS. 

Hey by the way if you haven't checked it out see our review for Black Bullet as well.

So then what happened?

After some time Steph has had enough and demands that they start acting like the King/Queen that they are but Blank just kinda brushes her off. They even start using her name as a derogative term aka “Steph you’re such a Steph” when she says something they think is idiotic. 

However by the end of the episode, Blank comes to realize that most of their reforms were made possible by Steph's hard work and incredible resourcefulness as she reveals that she attended the most prestigious academy and held top honors while being popular. 

 But before they come to realize all that Steph challenges them to a series of games in order for them to get back to work and be decent people since if she won they would be held to the terms of the agreement by the pledges. 

Needless to say Blank does not lose and proceeds to embarrass Steph to no end as they force her to wear dog ears and a tail while having to obey them like a dog. 

 But Steph is nothing if not stubborn so she continues to challenge Blank to games that she thinks are based on pure chance but per usual Blank blows her mind with game theory and simple tricks that you think someone who had grown up in a world determined by games would know.

Eventually, though this is explained. Sora states towards the end of the episode that Blank is paralyzed because they do not have enough information on the other races to make an informed decision on who to invade first. 

 Sora explains that if they lose more games, they are finished, so the first move must be planned carefully which touches Steph’s heart because she thought they weren’t taking their role as leaders seriously but they were. 

No game, no life

Sora notices that there don’t seem to be any bookstores or libraries around and so they are reduced to using the study in the castle which they raided but nothing stood out. 

Steph comes clean that the kingdom does have a library but it was lost to a Flegel a couple of years ago and that it has barred the library to anyone entering it. Sora’s understandably upset and he sets off to challenge the Flugel to regain Humanities knowledge. 

Now the Flugel was a race created to fight in the ancient war on behalf of the old gods. 

They look like angels but Sora very aptly likens them more to demons as their combat abilities are thru the roof and they massacred countless people. 

 In the episode when Sora first looks upon the Flugel, he declares that he had gazed upon death itself but the effect is lost once the Flugel speaks and she has the most adorable voice that it’s hard to stay scared. 

Oh side note since the pledges have been enacted the Flugel haven't been able to use their tremendous advantage in combat since all conflicts are settled via games so they have been stealing knowledge from other races by wagering for the other race's books. 

As this world has no printed press technology replacing those books is incredibly difficult. 

Great filler episode and I’m looking forward to how Blank handles the Flugel. Let me know what you think of my review by leaving comments, retweeting, or plus one-ing. If you like my other reviews consider following!
