The Irregular at Magic High School-Ep. 5

review of "The Irregular at Magic High School" episode 5 blog

Irregular At Magic High School Synopsis

Irregular At Magic High School is really shaping up to be an enjoyable show.  I was worried around the third episode that this series was going to be a letdown but they have really grabbed my attention.

I’m enjoying the themes of IAMHS and at the same time, they have some really cool action sequences that look like they came barreling out of the best game of mutants and masterminds that we’ve never seen.

The series is produced by Madhouse Studio the same company that produced Parasyte the Maxim which we reviewed earlier so give it a look!

What happens in the series

Mibu, who is a course 2 student, tells Tatsuya that she and others are planning to let the school know of their thoughts about the discrimination among the students.  

However, Tatsuya says that because Mibu doesn't have a specific course of action or even knows what she would change specifically to even the inequalities between course 1 and 2 students that he will not help her.  

Then, shortly after that Mibu and a group of other course 2 students occupy the broadcast room and demand to negotiate with the student council as equals.
review of "The Irregular at Magic High School" episode 5 blog
As a result, an open forum is held at the school regarding the treatment of Course 1 and Course 2 students. However, during the open forum anti-magician terrorists attack the school and they are not messing around.  

These guys are packing everything under the sun from assault rifles to rocket-propelled grenades.  They begin firing on the students but it doesn't really seem to do much given the crazy abilities of magicians in this world.  

The power gap between those with and without magic is plain to see as even lower-level magicians would be able to deal some pretty devastating effects

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Mages are worth 100 soldiers each

This makes the strategic value that magicians hold within the countries that they live in more apparent and I have a feeling that we haven’t seen even half of what magicians can do in a combat situation.  

For the first time, we see the practical combat uses of magic in this series which is more formulaic and scientific than most “magical school” animes.

The magic here is more in the realm of alchemy than “make something out of nothing magic”.  For example, during the above-mentioned firefight, one of the students stops a group of 4-5 terrorists with gas masks who had just thrown a gas grenade into the auditorium by turning the oxygen in their gas masks into nitrogen and making them pass out.  

As the episode closes Tatsuya and his sister set off toward the source of some of the explosions that rocked the school and he left in anticipation for the next episode.  

Another series that showcases cool powers and is produced by Madhouse Studio is ONE PUNCH MAN read our review and let us know what you think!

Why did that matter?

This series is pacing itself we are gradually introduced to the basics of how magic works in this world while being shown the inequalities between regular humans and magicians and even within the magical world there are clear divisions.  

We get to see the student council step up and openly admit that discriminatory practices are in place at the school but that they are working to resolve them at the next opportunity.

Practices like the pool of student council candidates only coming from course 1 students and the best faculty members being assigned to course 1 classes while course 2 students are assigned, subpar educators.  

Our student council president to the rescue

review of "The Irregular at Magic High School" episode 5 blogThe student council president signs a light on all these things. I wish to get caught up in the belief that she will follow through on those promises. She never actually what will be done about these policies or when they will be changed only that the next opportunity is when she steps down.  

Convenient?  To me, there was a “too good to be true” feel about her impassioned speech to the student assembly but like I said I want to believe her but we’ll have to see if she turns out to be a villain or a hero.

As any anime fan will tell you the student council president is usually either the big bad of the series or the pure hero so we’ll have to wait and see where she falls.

So far that the pacing of this series is slow and methodical just like it’s hero.  They aren't rushing us through the politics of this world and they have been setting up the subtle nature of discrimination in this world.  

Those in power are corrupt

Rarely are the school's official public policies discriminatory but the people that enact those policies are.  

This makes it difficult to change the system since discrimination is happening despite the fact it is banned by the policy.  If we expand that view out to the world at large you could say that school is a micro version of discrimination in the real world.  Rarely are the official policies aimed at a group of people but the policy leaves room and options for people in power to be discriminatory.

At first, I was expecting the series to be more action focused and when the action hits it is super cool but Irregular At Magic High School wants to talk more about the physics of magic and discrimination than really showing lots of flashy combat scenes.  

The explanations of how the magic is working are important I feel and after 4 previous episodes of them explaining magical physics to me, I’m ready for them to assume I know the basics and get to some extra spectacular magical kung fu already.


All in all, I’m still excited for this show each week and I enjoy watching it even though the pace is on the lower side.

I eagerly await each week's episode and look forward to what comes next in with all of these characters.  I would recommend watching this if you’re used to the slower story but still like good action.  

I’m going to catch a lot of flack for this but the pacing reminds me a little bit of Sword Art Online’s in that story arcs can span longer periods of time and are allowed to gradually unfurl rather than being thrown at the viewer and hoping something sticks.  

Keep watching and I’m sure that we’ll all like what is coming down the tubes.

